Martes, Nobyembre 29, 2011

A Better Way to Invest

With thousands of real estate transactions nationwide and millions of dollars worth of real estate transactions under our belt, we are the expert in evaluating investment opportunities for national and global Lenders!

When lending your money through PMB International, we painstakingly ensure your money is placed safely in loans that will produce the highest revenue in the quickest manner.

A Better Way To Invest:
 We review the property's:
globe Type
globe Condition
globe Location
globe Proximity to the investor
globe Surrounding comparable sales
globe Market analysis, and
globe Full-blown appraisals (when necessary)
PMB International also reviews the borrower to verify that they have the financial wherewithal. We research the borrower's:
globe Background
globe Experience,
globe Motivation,
globe Previous volume, and
globe Willingness to conform to PMB International's Terms and Conditions
It is our goal to ensure that your monthly interest payments will be received on time, every time, and that your investment funds be returned at the end of the loan term. Each loan package will be researched, reviewed, assembled and provided to you, for your personal stamp of approval. You'll review multiple loan opportunities until you identify the one that is within your comfort level.

unlimited freedom
We take care of the rest, allowing you freedom to:
globe Play
globe Travel
globe Enjoy time with the Family
globe Focus your energy on what you WANT to do, rather than what they HAVE to do

Learn more about PMB International Lending Opportunity here>>

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