Miyerkules, Enero 18, 2012

The Benefits of Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing is increasing at a staggering rate these days. More and more individuals are learning that real estate investments can offer wonderful earning potential. Real estate investing is a process which has many attractive qualities that make it a viable money-producing opportunity. There are a number of benefits that go along with purchasing real estate investments and the following paragraphs will highlight some of these benefits. As you will see these attributes make it quite apparent why individuals are becoming interested in investment opportunities of this type. 

Build Equity in the Property 

For those individuals who are looking to invest in real estate on a long-term scale, there are certain benefits to doing so. When individuals purchase real estate and hold onto it for awhile, they are ultimately able to build a good deal of equity in the home they are purchasing as an investment property. Equity is a beneficial aspect for the homeowners as the more equity a property has, the more that it adds to the net worth thereof. This is an important and frequently cited reason why individuals do choose to invest in real estate and maintain the property as an investment for a long period of time thereafter. 

Possible Tax Advantages 

Another benefit of purchasing real estate for investment purposes is the possible tax advantages that one may receive as a result of owning the investment property. Depending on a variety of factors, individuals who own investment property may just see some gracious tax advantages as a result. Therefore, individuals may be more than ready to invest in real estate once they have looked into possible tax advantages that result from engaging in a transaction of this type. 

High Rate of Return on the Sale of the Property 

When the investment property is sold somewhere down the road, the homeowners will most likely see a high rate of return on the sale of the property. Depending on the market at the time of the purchase and sale, this rate of return may be more than generous when one looks at the profit margin. Some factors to consider if looking to purchase property and sell it within a short period of time after the initial purchase include current market for property sales, renovations and upkeep necessary to get the property ready for the sale and ability to hold on to the property longer if a sale does not come as quickly as one had expected. If one has considered all of these possibilities and still feels that they will be able to sell the property quickly, then this is a wonderful benefit of real estate investment. 

Lease the Property to Tenants 

While some real estate investors choose to purchase the property and then sell it shortly thereafter, there are other individuals who have a different reason for purchasing investment properties and wish to obtain a profit by other means. These individuals are ones who prefer to purchase the property and then lease it out to tenants. By doing so, the homeowners are able to pay for any mortgage which may be present on the property plus receive any additional income from leasing the property to tenants.
Investing in real estate is a wonderful way to gain equity in a piece of property, take advantage of possible tax benefits and maybe even make a considerable profit from the sale of the property once the individual feels like doing so. These are some of the many reasons why individuals are purchasing real estate as investment property and current low interest rates make now a perfect time to buy. The benefits of real estate investing are difficult to pass up, so go ahead and find your first real estate investment property! 

Martes, Enero 17, 2012

Understanding Real Estate Investing and How to be Good at It

This article assumes you have the desire and money to launch a real estate investing career. So we'll simply focus on helping you to better understand how real estate investing works and steps you must take to do it successfully.

A) Start With the Basics

Real estate investing involves acquisition, holding, and sale of rights in real property with the expectation of using cash inflows for potential future cash outflows and thereby generating a favorable rate of return on that investment.

When you invest in real estate, you can use other people's money to magnify your rate of return and control a much larger investment than would be possible otherwise. Moreover, with rental property, you can virtually use other people's (tenant's) money to pay off your loan. Therefore real estate investing is more advantageous then stock investments, which usually require more investor equity, because it offers the advantage to leverage.

Aside from leverage, real estate investing provides other benefits to investors such as yields from annual after-tax cash flows, equity buildup through appreciation of the asset, and cash flow after tax upon sale—not to mention non-monetary returns such as pride of ownership, the security that you control ownership, and portfolio diversification.

B) Understand the Elements of Return

Real estate is not purchased, held, or sold on emotion. Real estate investing is about a return on investment. As such, you should always consider some basic elements of return to determine the potential benefits of purchasing, holding on to, or selling an income property investment.

1. Cash Flow – Cash flow is the amount of money that comes in from rents and other income less what goes out for operating expenses and debt service or loan payment. And real estate investing is all about a property's cash flow. You're purchasing a rental property's income stream, so be sure that the numbers you rely on later to calculate cash flow are truthful and correct.

2. Appreciation - This is the growth in value of a property over time (i.e., the future selling price minus original purchase price). The fundamental truth about appreciation, however, is that real estate investors buy the income stream of investment property. It stands to reason then, that the more income you can sell, the more you can expect your property to be worth. Therefore, when you're considering an investment real estate opportunity, be sure to make a determination about the likelihood of an increase in income and throw it into your decision-making.

3. Loan Amortization - This signifies a periodic reduction of the loan over time in turn leading to increased equity. Because lenders evaluate rental property based on income stream, present lenders with clear and concise cash flow reports when buying multifamily property. Properties with income and expenses represented accurately to the lender increase the chances you will obtain favorable financing.

4. Tax Shelter - This signifies a legal way to use real estate investment property to reduce annual or ultimate income taxes. No one-size-fits-all, the prudent real estate investor should check with a tax expert to be sure what the current tax laws are in any particular year, and be aware that tax shelter is one of the true benefits of real estate investing.

C) Understand How to Prepare

1. Develop the correct attitude. Foremost, bear in mind that real estate investing is a business, and that you are about to become the CEO of that business. You are not a homebuyer. So look beyond curb appeal, exciting amenities, and desirable floor plans unless they contribute to the income and focus on the numbers. Real estate investment property is a matter of the head, not the heart. So lay emotions aside, and prepare to make your investment decisions based on the property's cash flow and rate of return.

2. Develop an investment goal with meaningful objectives. Have a plan with stated goals that best frames your investment strategy. What do you want to achieve? By when do you want to achieve it? How much cash are you willing to invest comfortably, and what rate of return are you hoping to generate? A stated investment goal with meaningful objectives is one of the most important elements of successful real estate investing. Have it prepared and worked out in your mind before you start purchasing.

3. Research the real estate market. Understand as much as possible about the conditions of the real estate market when you plan to invest. Learn property values, rents, and occupancy rates. You can turn to a qualified real estate professional to run a comparable market study for you, or have the county tax assessor help you. You must always be prepared to recognize whether an investment opportunity is fairly priced or not; whether it offers a potential to make real money or not.

4. Learn the terms and returns and how to compute them. Get familiar with commonly used real estate investing terms, reports, and rates of return. Learn the formulas and calculations. There are sites online that provide free real estate investing help and information, so prepare to do some homework and gather as much data on the terms and returns as you can. It will keep you from looking like a deer staring into the headlights of a car when hear them discussed.

5. Invest in real estate investment software. Having the ability to create your own rental property analysis gives you more control about how the cash flow numbers are presented and a better understanding about a property's profitability. So prepare to purchase quality real estate investment software. The benefit it will provide you is well worth the meager investment.

6. Locate a specialized real estate professional. The emphasis here is to work with a real estate agent that knows the local real estate market and understands rental property. It won't advance your investment objectives to spend time with an agent unless that person understands the nuances of real estate investing and is adequately prepared to help you make wise investment decisions. If you're planning to get assistance from a real estate professional, prepare to seek out a real estate investment specialist.

Here's to your real estate investing success.

Author :James Kobzeff

Lunes, Enero 16, 2012

Real Estate Tips On Finding A Business Partner

Think you can get ahead faster with a business partner? It is important to remember that approximately 80% of business partnership’s don’t work. The odd’s are very high that any real estate group in which you are involved in may not survive. Cautiously enter into your investment group with watchful eyes. Here are some key factors to consider.

Make sure your goals and objectives are consistent with the rest of the group. Are you committed to working at all hours of the day to get the job done? Well, what about your partner? You know what skills you have. You know your strengths and your weaknesses. If your partners are your friends and relatives, you probably have a clear idea as to what skills they can bring to the table. However, when your joining an investment group of strangers, it’s important to clarify exactly what, if any, skills they will bring to the overall collective objective. Sometimes your investors will simply put their money into the project and not actually participating in any work that needs to be completed.

Consider the liquidity of the investment. How quickly can you get your money out of your Fraser Valley Real Estate investment? You should not invest money you cannot afford to loose. This is the golden rule and it should be applied to real estate in all area’s of the Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland area. For example: Richmond, Surrey, Coquitlam, Burnaby, New West, Langley and Abbotsford. In practical terms, most investments are tied up for the duration of the deal. This issue of course is a critical one. This has a direct correlation with liability of your investment. You want to avoid personal liability for any financial problems that can occur. If you are investing in a corporation that is holding the property for the group and the corporation has taken out a mortgage with a lender, the lender may require personal guarantees from the shareholders of the corporation. That would be YOU!

Consider… When investing with a group is getting out of control, how to get out? Why not a buy out! Make sure there is a procedure to follow before you get into a concrete group investment. Know the buy out terms before the money is put onto the table. Your Fraser Valley Real Estate investment should always be safe and secure. Whether your buying a condo, apartment, townhouse, house or mobile home in British Columbia, remember to cover you assets. 

Author: Shane Toews

Biyernes, Enero 13, 2012

Investment In Real Estate - A Growing Sector

Can we really stop wanting to buy houses? We are constantly developing, constantly making progress, and of course, constantly adding to the population. The more the development, the more the place that is needed by the businesses; and of course the growing population only means added demand for housing. In such a scenario, the real estate sector has no choice but to grow!

Real estate investment is considered to be the safest option for investment. Of course there will be detractors who will try to tell you otherwise. The truth is you need to be well aware and purchase the right property so that you may be a success at the business. This you can only do when you know exactly what the demands of the market are, and the ideal property to buy.

Property-buying Tips
So what should you do to make sure you buy the right piece of property? Well, first of all, you need to make sure that your property generates residual income. This is the chief point of consideration when investing in real estate. You have to make sure your property gives you the maximum returns and you make a good profit at the end of the day.

To understand how residual income may be generated through real estate, you must educate yourself well, through various books, websites, and of course a tremendous amount of survey. Online tutorials are also a popular way of educating yourself regarding the real estate business. You need to grab at any bit of knowledge that comes your way because believe it or not, all of it will come of use to you at some point or the other.

Market-Related Information To Gather
Apart from reading, you need to survey the market in the area in which you intend to buy and sell. You need to be tuned in to the demands of the people in the area. The demands of the businessmen will vary from the demands of regular individuals. You need to make sure you understand all of these finer details really well. Once you understand the demands and know exactly what the local trends are likely to be in the coming months, you will know exactly which properties you should invest in, and understand which ones will generate suitable income.

Of course, you can learn a great deal from people who've been in the profession longer than you have. It would help tremendously if you have friends who are real estate agents or real estate brokering mortgagers. If you dont, maybe you should try and befriend a few, or apprentice with a few so that you can learn on the job. Theres nothing like practical experience. Many a professional real estate investor would probably be more than glad to give you beginners tips.

Once youve got the hang of it, start with helping friends and relatives with their real estate investment deals, and if you do well, youll know youre all set to take on the real estate world! 

Huwebes, Enero 12, 2012

Some Methods To Save Cash On Your Future Home

 Arе уου looking fοr a way tο еnјοу a home bυt nοt hаνе tο devote a ton οf cash οn one. In thе following paragraphs I wіll provide уου wіth a couple οf different methods уου сουld υѕе tο save ѕοmе money οn a residence through purchasing tο renting one.
Low-cost homes fοr sale аrе gοοd fοr thе 1st time customer, οr simply anybody whісh really wаntѕ tο gеt involved іn real estate market. Cheap homes fοr sale abound. Many οf thеm wіll require ѕοmе work performed οn thеm bυt уου саn discover properties thаt аrе inexpensive ѕhουld уου search. Yου јυѕt need tο mаkе сеrtаіn уου find thе appropriate one thаt wіll bе worth each dollar payable fοr іtѕ рυrсhаѕе. Cheap homes fοr sale continue tο rise іn number daily bесаυѕе οf thе ѕlοw housing marketplace.
Cheap homes fοr rent аrе available іn each metropolis аnd suburb асrοѕѕ thе nation, hοwеνеr, уου mіght hаνе tο dο ѕοmе investigation аnd search іn order tο find one. Whеn уου rent one οf thе cheap houses fοr rent available οn thе market уου wіll lіkеlу hаνе a legal contract wіth thе owner. Sοmе property owners wіll endeavour tο рυt іn extra fees іn thе contract. Yου need tο simply ensure уου bе cautious аbουt thіѕ аnd read the whole thing. Yου аlѕο mау wish tο mаkе sure уου inspect thе house well before уου moving іn. Cheap houses tο rent through owners hаνе grown tο bе a lot more available fοr individuals аѕ everybody wаntѕ a source οf income іn thіѕ tight economy.
Houses thаt уου саn rent tο οwn aren’t a nеw іdеа. Renting tο οwn a property саn аlѕο bе referred tο аѕ rent tο οwn οr even rent tο рυrсhаѕе сhοісе. Yου wіll uncover outstanding lease tο οwn home offers іn thе present economic climate due tο thе economic downturn, financial institutions аrе nοt lending property loans аnd renting tο οwn аnу residence іѕ one οf thе best ways tο рυrсhаѕе homes.
Foreclosed home sales mау bе a different way tο save money οn thе house. Additionally, іt саn bе аn investment within thе real-estate business. Foreclosure іѕ such a hard аnd challenging experience whісh ruins thе life οf a lots οf consumers bυt іt mау аlѕο hеlр a lot οf people thаt require аn inexpensive house. Yου саn obtain a foreclosed residence аnd уου саn bе giggling уουr path tο thе bank іn nο time аt аll. Bank property foreclosure properties аrе considered one οf thе hottest properties inside thе real estate market nowadays. Thеу hеlр mаkе thе ideal real estate investments bесаυѕе thеу аrе cost-effective hοwеνеr possess higher value. A bank foreclosure wουld hаνе tο bе thе simplest type οf property foreclosure a fresh customer саn bυу. Thіѕ wіll mаkе аll οf thеm grеаt options fοr folks thаt want tο save οn a fresh residence.

Miyerkules, Enero 11, 2012

Your Financial Real Estate Investment Model

When you wish to become involved in real estate investing, there are several things you should do before you begin this endeavor. You will want to make sure you are making a good investment decision and understanding the terms and definitions of real estate is just one way in learning how to make a good investment.

Perhaps, most important of all, however, is understanding the financial real estate investment model. This is an analysis that will help you to determine what financing options you may have, as well as help you to develop an operating budget for your real estate investment. A good financial real estate investment model will help you to make sure this endeavor is a profitable one.

Before you can calculate your financial real estate investment model, you must first do research on the property. You will want to review all of the records on the property. The rental history is very important to determine whether or not this will be a sound investment for you. The cost of utility services, insurance and claims, taxes, loan documents, and previous loan payment history are all important in helping you to make a decision on this investment. All of this information should be gathered a studied accordingly.

The analysis of these items is crucial in your real estate investment model. If, for example, you determine that the property has had a bad rental history in the past or has not appreciated in value over several years, you may deem the property to a high risk property. In helping you to determine this, however, there are several other factors to consider.

The inclusion of other information in your real estate investment model is crucial. Data from all the cash flow determinants is just as important as the others. You will want to make certain that you have information on any and all operating expenses for the property, including those that can be recovered from the tenants and those that can not, capital expenditures, occupancy rates and all losses due to non-occupancy, and all other costs associated with the property.

This financial investment model will be produced from all of the information gathered on the property, including information such as market history, the economy, and any changes that may occur in the future that will effect the valuation of the property.

When you have all of the necessary information, the data should be inputted into your real estate investment model. Many investors choose to use software programs developed specifically for real estate investors, while others use Excel to produce the analysis of the data they have gathered. Many of the software programs can be found online or at major software companies. Once the information has been inputted, the analysis will begin and you will be able to determine whether or not the property you are considering will be a good investment or not.

Without a good real estate investment model to go by, you take the chance of purchasing high-risk properties which may result with a capital loss instead of a capital gain. To help you to determine whether or not a property is a good investment, thoroughly research the investment model you will be using by asking others what they use and talk to real estate agents specializing in investment properties. 

Martes, Enero 10, 2012

Making Profits in Real Estate

We have all seen people making fortunes by investing in the stock markets and at the same time millionaires turning into paupers. This rarely does happen with real estate investing. There are living examples among us that some of us may or may not be aware of. A good example is the properties we inherit. The values of these have been growing all these years with appreciation annually. The investment was made years ago. Over the years the increase in the property value is the returns that we are benefiting from these days.

Real Estate

A Real Estate is a piece of land with all its natural resources and more often than not contains a building of some sort. You can take any type of building that is either a constructed or a manufactured property, however an immovable property is always permanently affixed to the land.

Why The Rush To Invest In Real Estate?

* Falling stock market has generated fear psychosis among the investment community reminding them of the Great Depression.

* Failing pension system with growing inflation has added to the woes of the retirees and employees.

* Lower interest rates have compelled the money to be diverted somewhere else for higher returns.

* Moreover banks are willing to extend loans for the purchase of land and buildings at lower interest rates.

How Lucrative Is The Real Estate Business?

Real estate has wide options for making money; one being to buy and either hold it or rent it. Likewise other benefits are:

* With the rents from the tenants continuous cash flow is guaranteed.

* Mortgage loans from banks help in buying with or without personal investment.

* In case of mortgage loans, the cash flow by way of rents will continually reduce the principal borrowed.

* Improvement of the locality will in turn increase the value of the property overtime.

Statistics reveal that housing is a low risk investment. Gauging by the market trend the average market value of the homes has risen by 50% in the past 10 years. The wealth earned from the real estate investment has surpassed that of the stock market returns indicating the faith of the investors in real estate. This is a sign of an upward trend in the days to come.

Haven’t we all heard of our neighbors making big bucks in real estate very often? Every now and then we see some one selling off a home or a real estate property in a week or two of buying it for a big profit. Every one of you, like I, must have thought real estate is where quick money is. But is the market quite so? Can anyone make quick money by investing in real estate? Unfortunately, it is not quite so, although we rarely, if ever, hear people loosing money in real estate investment.

Making quick money is something that takes a lot of preparation and planning before investment, when you are invested and when selling or closing the deal. Further more, the investment amount is not small too, which no one can ignore. A slight mistake in prediction or a change in the legislation concerning real estate property or tourism or industry sector has the potential to turn over the whole real estate economy on its head resulting in wiping out of your capital too.

Any real estate broker would vouch for this fact. Take a scenario, for example. These brokers, in addition to brokering deals, also enter into contracts with sellers for selling off their property by making a down payment, which obligates them to sell at higher than the contracted price. Federal housing loan rates have revised now and there prevails a real estate slump, which is unforeseen. Wealthy brokers can wait till turn around of the market and still make a profit but they are still tied down by the blocked money. The case will be worse for smaller players with this condition.

Similarly, speculative investors are either forced to sell at loss or wait for unknown periods of times. The burden of interest you have to pay if you invested borrowed money might eat into your capital too, if the slump prolongs.

Unlike in stock and shares investment arena, you don’t have enough instruments in real estate to spread your risks and investment. All is fine when market booms but tough gets the going when things go awry. Lesson: longer you are invested better will be the return; no room for quick money, in general. 

Author:Paul R Wilson